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Top Four Apps to Help Lawyers Connect With Clients

lawyer communication apps
Law Firms

Being a lawyer is one of the most demanding jobs out there. It is safe to say that the average lawyer has a lot on their plate. From legal practice management to bookkeeping, if you are a lawyer, then you know how difficult it can be to succeed without a little help. This time, we are not talking about help from your hardworking team or your marketing firm. Instead, we are talking about the platforms and applications you use to make the day go by a little smoother. Different apps will help you succeed in different areas, of course, but when it comes to client communication, these tools take the cake:

Scorpion communication tools

Scorpion offers a range of communication tools that lawyers can use to stay connected with their clients. Our platform lets you access online scheduling capabilities, chat, text, email, and team communications in one place. Our tools make it easy for your clients to reach you, which will increase their trust in your firm and help them feel supported along their journey. In a world where you are constantly checking different devices, having the ability to manage your communications in one place will feel like a breath of fresh air. Besides, every client likes to communicate differently. One client might prefer to call while another sticks solely to email. Our communication tools streamline these notifications. This means you won’t need to check five different sources to see your notifications and you still won’t miss a single one.


The Clio communication portal makes it easy for your clients to connect with you while on the go. With Clio, your clients can receive updates on their case status from any of their own devices. The platform enables you to scan important documents and upload them for your client's convenience. It also gives clients additional layers of security so they can rest assured that their information will stay confidential. This is especially useful for clients of family lawyers who might still share devices with their spouses or family members. For these reasons, Clio is the most widely recommended cloud-based legal technology and is used by over 90 bar associations and law societies around the world.


Many lawyers consider GoodReader their #1 go-to app when on the go. If you are a lawyer, you probably know that much of your communication involves sending documents back and forth. GoodReader is an excellent file management tool, making it useful for client communication. GoodReader allows lawyers to read, annotate, edit, and sign large PDF documents. It will also allow you to flatten PDF annotations to ensure that they cannot be edited later. When it comes to communication, GoodReader creates a special public downloading link to allow you to share documents via email. It also offers server-style access to OneDrive, making GoodReader a great option for sharing files and communicating important information that might otherwise be overwhelming for you and your clients.


RingCentral is another great option for improving communication between you and your clients. This platform provides cloud-based communication solutions such as messages, videos, phones, and contact center services. RingCentral gives you access to chosen methods while on the go. It has flexible file sharing, task management, and unlimited cloud storage. One of the most unique features of RingCentral’s platform is that it can be integrated with other systems through application programming interfaces (API). That way, when you receive an incoming call, it will show the most recent information about that caller so you can be more prepared for what the call is likely about. If you need a video-recorded statement from your client, RingCentral also offers an easy way to record this. All in all, RingCentral makes communications smoother for both you and your clients.

The importance of lawyers’ relationships with their clients: tips for success

The importance of lawyers’ relationships with clients cannot be understated. Lawyers need to keep communications with clients consistent. This increases trust and will allow you to actively deal with issues that arise throughout the case. Even though law is often thought of as a serious, unfeeling career field, the truth is that lawyers are often helping clients through one of the most difficult times of their lives. Consistent communication will let your clients know you are supporting them throughout the process.

One aspect of client communication that isn’t talked about enough is the lawyers' mental health. As you are probably aware, checking such a wide variety of communication outlets multiple times a day can take a toll on you. If you are not at your best, then you won’t be able to provide the best possible outcomes to your clients. That is why streamlining communications is so important. It takes a lot of the stress off of your clients, but it also takes a lot off your shoulders so you can do your best work. In addition to finding the applications that work best for you, here are a few suggestions to improve your client communication. If you are running a law firm, be sure to get your entire team on the same page so that your clients receive the best experience possible:

  • Set clear expectations about communications.

One of the worst pitfalls you can fall into is overpromising and under-delivering. Instead, it is better to set communication expectations right from the beginning. When you first begin to work with your clients, let them know how often they can expect to hear from you, what that looks like, and what channels you will be available on. While a wide variety of communication tools are at your disposal, this does not mean your clients should expect 24/7 immediate responses. Giving them an idea of your availability and sticking to it will go a long way for their satisfaction and mental health.

  • Develop your interpersonal skills

As we touched on before, your clients are not necessarily coming to work with you at a good point in their lives. They are dealing with high-stress situations like divorce and bankruptcy. They might even be on trial for a crime dealing with the repercussions of drinking and driving. Recognize what they are going through and display a high level of empathy. Simply listening to their issues is a great way to establish and grow the relationship. Look for common ground and put yourself in their shoes. Show that you understand their concerns and comfort them with the fact that you have the knowledge to help solve them.

  • Communicate with the opposing counsel

This is another communication tip that isn’t talked about enough, but it can make the process much easier for your clients. Confidently tackling this area will demonstrate a great deal of confidence to both your client and the opposing counsel. Being professional and courteous while being a passionate advocate for your client will show them that you are a force to be reckoned with. Be sure to consult with your client before making agreements with the opposing counsel. If you have followed the advice above and your communication has been solid up to this point, it will be much easier to have these difficult conversations.

Whether you are looking for tools to make client communication easier or you need to do a complete overhaul of your law firm’s branding, Scorpion is here for you. Contact us today to find out how we can help you achieve your goals and communicate more successfully.

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