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How Scorpion Can Help Grow Your Home Services Business

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Home Services

Online marketing is essential to business growth in today’s digital world. However, the internet is busier and noisier than ever. Without a strategy, it’s easy to get lost in the mix and waste time and money on ads and websites that don’t convert. 

Creating a plan with clear goals you can measure is vital. Ideally, your strategy hits several arms of digital marketing, including building a website, improving digital advertising, and engaging customers with high-value content. 

Scorpion can help you leverage these and create value for your home services business. Here’s how.

Search engine ranking

Search engines are the backbone of the internet. The higher you rank in the results, the more likely you are to reach your customers, but that’s easier said than done. Search engines constantly change how they find sites, and you must compete against others using similar tactics.

That means your content, keywords, site performance, and overall design need regular review and updates to see higher rankings and to maintain your position. Our Scorpion team uses artificial intelligence and machine learning to simplify the process.

With Scorpion’s Ranking.Ai technology, we used our 20 years of experience to identify keywords that were most likely to drive high-quality leads. It works by comparing your site to your competition to determine what you would need to rank better. Then, it creates a customized SEO strategy that our experts will execute for you.

FYI: Last year, we helped local businesses generate more than 15 million new customer leads from organic traffic.

SEO takes many forms for home service business owners, including:

  • Regular content marketing updates to keep your website relevant.
  • Meticulous keyword research to ensure that specific phrases typed into a search engine will lead to your website.
  • Technical SEO to optimize your website so its pages load more efficiently.

Many of Scorpion’s operations involve fine-tuning client websites for SEO. When it comes to your online presence, invisibility is the great enemy of any business. That’s why Scorpion uses AI and proven SEO methods, such as link building and on-page optimization, to elevate your chances of success in the trades.

Attract customers with digital advertising

In today’s world, it’s not enough to market your business through traditional print, radio, or TV methods; you must also include online marketing. Known as digital advertising, this type of marketing is online business promotion. It includes campaigns, email marketing, and social media advertising.

While traditional formats are familiar and easy, tracking results and return on investment is challenging. Digital advertising, on the other hand, is highly trackable, and you can see real-time results on your ad spending.

Scorpion marketing teams help you build campaigns that reach customers and drive revenue. You choose the budget, and we’ll help you maximize it.

Advertising Campaigns

There are many forms of digital ads, including social media ads, Google Display ads, local search ads, video ads, pay-per-click ads, and more. Many people understand the value of ads but don’t always know how to maximize them. Unfortunately, you can quickly spend a lot of money without seeing any results.

Customers are overwhelmed with ads and learn to tune them out. If you want your ad to land, it must be targeted to reach the right customer and include a clear call-to-action (CTA).

Your ad should clearly and quickly convey the message while solving your customer’s problem. Once you finalize your offer and CTA, it's time to create a plan and budget and launch your ad.

Ideally, you use A/B testing and run two versions of the same ad with slightly different images and keywords or messages. Compare the ads and see which performs better. Then use that information to track and adjust your current and future ads.

It may sound complicated, but it doesn’t have to be. The Scorpion team manages hundreds of millions of dollars in advertising, and we know what works. We’ll help you choose the best channels for your goals and business, test your ads, and adjust so that you see real-time boosts for your business.

And you can be as involved as you like. Manage your campaigns and budgets from an easy-to-use dashboard, or let us do all the work. Either way, you’ll no longer waste money on ads but spend where it counts and boost revenue.

We’ve generated 100+ million leads for our customers because we focus on diversifying your ad strategy. More places to advertise means more leads.

FYI: We also have partnerships with Yelp and Thumbtack to make advertising easier and more cost-effective.

Learn More: How to Use Google Local Service Ads

Monitor your online reviews

It’s no secret that a good reputation can go a long way in the world of home services. Studies have shown that as many as 96% of customers value online reviews when looking for a home services provider.

This means that your reviews could make or break your success in the future, and a strong review starts with a satisfied customer.

The idea here is that you're responding to every customer review for your business. Most of these will be positive reviews, but the occasional negative review is inevitable, so plan accordingly. Be ready to respond promptly to any review on major platforms, including Yelp and Google.

Make sure to personalize the response as much as possible. It should sound like you remember this customer’s appointment exactly. Address their concerns politely and in a way that gives value. This public interaction allows you to “wow” people with your customer service.

Scorpion’s review monitoring technology makes all of this easier than ever. We consolidate your reviews from Google, Facebook, and even Yelp from one centralized location so you don’t need to log in to multiple sites. With one seamless place to handle your reviews, you’ll instantly know what’s being said about your company online. Then, we can automate responses to positive reviews, notify you when you get a negative review, and then equip you with reports to see how your reviews are trending and how you stack up against the competition.

Robust review management is a golden opportunity to:

  • Earn customer referrals. When people see how you treat your customers online, they’re more likely to send friends your way when they need a service.
  • Build loyalty among your satisfied customers.
  • Grow your SEO. Google search results crawlers will detect the reviews for your company and assign you greater authority.

Asking for reviews is also a great way to build your reputation. Request a good review after every successful service call, and you’ll soon have more than enough positive reviews.

Pro tip: You can also do this through Scorpion.

Build a website that converts 

These days, the first place customers turn to learn about your business is the internet. If you don’t have a website or your website is poorly designed, you miss out on an opportunity to reach your customers. 

A strong website helps you stand out among competitors in a busy marketplace and promotes business growth. It builds credibility and trust with your customers and expands your business beyond your physical location.

Website Design

The best websites tell a story about your business and make it easy for customers to book appointments or buy your products. Good web design is the key to a seamless user experience.

A slow, outdated site is frustrating to navigate, and your leads will click away and turn to your competitors, harming your business. The easier your site is to navigate, the more you can convert leads to paying customers. Our award-winning Scorpion design team can help you accomplish that. 

Our team builds sites featuring the latest design trends and tools. We’ll help you capture your customers' attention and keep it with stunning images, graphics, and messages that match your brand and drive sales.

Include features for a better user experience, like online scheduling, live chat, text messaging, and email marketing. Track your website ranking and performance and change content from one central dashboard.

Email marketing 

Email marketing is much the same as advertising campaigns, except you market to pre-qualified leads directly in their inbox. You start by offering high-value, free content called a lead magnet in exchange for their email address and then send regular updates via email. 

Content can include free guides, lists, white papers, email courses, weekly newsletters, and more. For example, if you have a plumbing home service business, you might offer a free guide on fixing leaks or low water pressure. 

Once they opt in, you send regular emails with more content or information about your services. The idea is to showcase your expertise and build relationships with potential customers. 

Email marketing is one of the most scalable ways to make a sale. It’s affordable, simple to plan and carry out, and helps you build lasting customer loyalty. 

At Scorpion, we help you maximize campaigns and manage your email accounts. Set up, launch, and deliver campaigns with easy-to-use templates and hints on what converts. Track your results and leads all in one place.

And if that sounds overwhelming, we’ll also help you with email marketing. Our marketing experts guide you through every step of the process, giving you a strategy that converts and builds value for your home services company.  

Engage customers with content and social media 

Bill Gates once said that content is king. He meant that most of the money made on the internet would come from content. Marketing experts still follow this maxim today because it’s true. Content is the center of any marketing method, particularly online, where information is accessible to anyone. 

Why? Google says good content will help you rank better in search engine results. Beyond that, content attracts customers, builds trust with your brand, and encourages people to take action with your business in authentic but subtle ways.

The key to ranking well in results and reaching your customers is high-quality, helpful content optimized for search engines, from blog articles to social media posts.

Blog articles 

Blogging used to be an online journal for sharing personal thoughts and ideas. While people still post content this way, businesses now use blogs as content marketing. In short, you post regular updates around topics relevant to your business to drive and convert traffic.

However, your content must reach your customers first. You need a strategy that includes search-engine-optimized (SEO) content to do that. 

Your articles should use keywords relevant to your home service business in the on-page content, headlines, site titles, and page descriptions. Then maximize your content with a CTA to further engage customers with your home services.

Scorpion marketing professionals help you tell your story through content marketing. Using SEO strategy, we’ll create a content calendar, write articles that rank well, and include business promotion within the content. You’ll see more brand awareness, improved search engine ranking, and overall conversion. 

Social posts

Social media is another arm of content marketing that helps you engage with your audience and stay relevant. Each app has its own culture, purpose, and features, from Twitter to Facebook or Instagram. 

These platforms are a great place to build relationships, brand awareness, and loyalty. Original high-value content that showcases your company's personality and helps your customers can drive leads to your business. It’s also a chance to show your audience your business values — and have fun.

Millions of users hang out on social media apps, making them a powerful place to find your customers. Many businesses that take advantage of these platforms have seen incredible business growth.

The Scorpion marketing team helps home service providers manage social media. Access all your social channels, post content, respond to comments, and keep tabs on your reputation, all in one place. You can upload posts and schedule them in batches, freeing you up to serve your customers. 

Build your home service company's value with Scorpion 

Scorpion website services help you build your company's value with professional website design, digital advertising, content, social media management, and search engine ranking strategies. With these tools, you can put your best foot forward and outshine your competitors. 

Learn more about how Scorpion can help you reach customers, drive revenue, and provide value in your home services business. Schedule a call today. 

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