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14 Scorpion Client Websites Win Communicator Awards for 2019

Communicator Awards
Jill Wilson

When it comes to your industry, who is making the biggest waves with their marketing?

Who has the game-changing ideas, the most eye-catching designs, and the most powerful messaging that stop people in their tracks and commands their attention?

The Academy of Interactive and Visual Arts (AIVA) has officially announced the winners of the 25th Annual Communicator Awards, recognizing the companies and organizations that have proven themselves as global leaders in marketing and communications.

The international competition evaluates more than 6,000 entries in a number of different categories (digital, design and print, video, etc.) and selects across numerous industries (law, healthcare, restaurants, franchising, etc.).

We are proud to announce that 14 websites that Scorpion designed for clients were named winners in this year’s Communicator Awards!

These websites received Awards of Excellence (the highest honor reserved for the best examples of marketing and communications) and Awards of Distinction (awards for projects that exceed industry standards in quality and achievement). All the winning Scorpion client websites were recognized for the “Digital” category.

Here are the Scorpion client websites that won...

Awards of Excellence:

Homepage of the website for LearningRX showing a girl wearing glasses with a proud smile on her face. The homepage displays the words, "Learn Easier. Think Faster. PERFORM BETTER."

Homepage of the website for Rock & Brews showing a burger, fries, and a beer next to the words, "Eat. Drink. ROCK ON."

Awards of Distinction:

Homepage of the website for Baptist Hospitals of Southeast Texas showing a confident-looking female doctor with her arms crossed and two other male medical staff members nearby. The image is next to the words, "Performing Sacred Work Every Day".

Homepage of the website for Edwards Kirby, LLP showing two male attorneys walking side-by-side, with the message, "Leaders in Personal Injury".

Congratulations to each of these organizations! With the help of Scorpion, they have raised the bar of marketing excellence in their marketing and have proven themselves to be leaders within their industries.

And this is saying a lot considering the caliber of the Communicator Awards competition, which is judged by the AIVA, an invitation-only group of professionals from some of the most highly acclaimed marketing, advertising, media, communications, and creative firms. This year’s judges included executives from organizations like Disney, Coach, Estee Lauder, Victoria’s Secret, Time, Wired, Yahoo!, etc.

Generate more business with a best-in-class website

Scorpion has been designing and developing award-winning websites for businesses and brands for nearly two decades. We work with clients in various industries to help them improve their digital presence, make a powerful impression on prospective customers, and generate more business and revenue.

If you would like to create a digital presence that positions your company or organization as the #1 choice in your local market, consider giving your website an upgrade.