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Inspired by a Lineage of Service, Scorpion Employee Pushes Support to Adopt A US Soldier

Military member in uniform

Whether at sporting events, the campaign trail, or the State of the Union, we’re used to hearing a lot of rhetoric about the troops. Messages speaking to the importance of our veterans, our active service members, and the bravery of those willing to risk their lives for our freedom.

But on a day-to-day basis, what are many of us actually doing to support the troops?

On a monthly basis, Scorpion honors employees across its departments by designating several staff members as its employees of the month (EoMs). From this group of EoMs, a single winner is chosen at random to choose a charity for the company to donate to.

For the month of January, Scorpion’s marketing manager Travis Hobbs was selected to represent Scorpion Cares (the philanthropic arm of the company) and was asked to choose a charity suitable for donation.

Travis knew instinctively without having to give it much thought at all.

He chose the organization Adopt A US Soldier.

Celebrating their 13th Anniversary, Adopt A US Soldier (AAUSS) is a non-profit organization that connects civilians wishing to lend their support with deployed troops, offering a channel by which those at home can communicate encouragement and gratitude to those abroad in the armed forces.

As an organization fully comprised of volunteers, the AAUSS has helped thousands of soldiers make real connections with those back home. Spanning more than 170 countries, territories, and independent states, there are currently more than 1 million active volunteers (and counting) who offer their time and services to support the troops.

Although the gestures may be small (such as sending a weekly postcard or email), they can mean a lot, particularly for Travis Hobbs:

I come from a career military familywith family members in every war since World War II. My Grandpa was a Colonel in the Air Force, and he always instilled in us a very high regard and care for both active military members and veterans. Having had six cousins deployed at various times in Iraq and Afghanistan over the last 16 years, they would always talk about their friends not receiving care packages or letters, and the resulting outcome it had on their moral and the team. Ultimately, I believe that Adopt a US Soldier has a tremendous impact on the folks who mean the world to me. And I want to show them they're appreciated. Hooyah!

Support for the troops who give their lives and freedom to fight for ours should be a gift offered willingly. If you’re interested in really making a difference in the lives of someone overseas, and you’d like to donate your time or money to the cause, you can contribute here.

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