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Five Scorpion Clients Win eHealthcare Leadership Awards for “Best Website”

eHealthcare Leadership Awards Logo

We’re proud to announce that five Scorpion clients were recognized for leading the way in their industry and creating excellent online patient experiences.

The following healthcare organizations were named winners in the 2018 eHealthcare Leadership Awards in either the category of “Best Site Design”:

East Tennessee Children’s Hospital

Hospital, Under 200 Beds - Platinum

Jupiter Medical Center

Hospital, 200-399 Beds - Gold

Baton Rouge General

Hospital, 400+ Beds - Silver

Methodist Health System

Healthcare System - Silver

Columbia Basin Health Association

Other Healthcare Facility - Platinum

To all of these clients, we congratulate you on taking the initiative to better serve your patients with modern websites that are informative, mobile-friendly, and easy to navigate. We also want to thank you for choosing Scorpion as your web design and digital marketing partner.

Scorpion is a full-service digital marketing agency that helps hospitals, health systems, and other healthcare organizations improve their digital presence, build their brands, and attract more patients from the Internet.

Over the past decade, more than 250 hospitals have selected Scorpion as their strategic digital marketing partner—creating websites and marketing campaigns that reach the right patients, increase patient volume, and generate more revenue across numerous service lines.

Want to create healthcare marketing that wins awards and attracts more patients?

Learn more here.