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In the Fight Against Post-War PTSD, One Scorpion Employee Chooses to Step Up

A disabled veteran paying his respects to the US flag

World War I...November 11th, 1918.

World War II...December 31st, 1946.

Vietnam...May 7th, 1975.

For most Americans, wars have an end date.

However, for more than half a million US veterans, the trauma of war continues on for years, decades, or (in some cases) life.

Unfortunately, these invisible wounds don’t heal easily. They require a unique battery of treatment approaches, including physical and psychological therapy, innovative medical technology, and most importantly, compassion.

So, when Scorpion Talent Acquisition Manager Chase Tenan was named July Employee of the Month and was granted the opportunity to donate to a charitable cause of his choice, he selected the...

Wounded Warrior Project (WWP).

How veterans use the Wounded Warrior Project to piece their lives back together

The WWP is a non-profit organization dedicated to helping post-9/11 US veterans restore a sense of purpose and stability in their lives. Employing a combination of mental, physical, and career counseling services, the WWP continues to be a life-changing source of empowerment for struggling military veterans.

Chase said the motivation for choosing the WWP was simple:

“I care deeply for the health and well-being of US troops who’ve served our country or experienced trauma (mentally or physically), and I believe it’s important to support the ongoing efforts of treatment and care for those experiencing PTSD from their time overseas.”

If you’d like to help support the WWP, you can donate here.

Scorpion’s Employee of the Month charity donations are a monthly occurrence that are made possible through Scorpion Cares, the company’s charitable-giving division.

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