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Scorpion Scorpion

Wing Zone

Winning More Customers with Smarter Digital Marketing

Wing Zone

No Long-Term Online Marketing Plan

Wing Zone is one of the most widely-recognized restaurant franchises in America, but prior to partnering with Scorpion, they didn’t have much of a digital marketing strategy, particularly not a long-term plan for their online presence. As more and more people started turning to the Internet to find local restaurants, this was hampering their ability to grow.

They needed a way to increase revenue, get more foot traffic to franchisee locations, secure more positive reviews online, and build brand awareness. So, after two decades of forgoing a structured digital marketing plan, they came to Scorpion ready for a change.

Wing zone employee serving Wingz ong

Results in Just 12 Weeks

Our team started with four Wing Zone locations, focusing our efforts to show how the right strategy would pay off now and into the future. Within just 12 weeks, we saw results across the boards: 25-74% more customers at each location, 3.4 million total impressions online, and over $112,000 in revenue from online marketing alone. We used our team, technology, and expertise to secure and track these results every step of the way.
Wing zone food

Game-Changing Online Advertising

With Scorpion, Wing Zone has seen impressive results. Greater visibility online, with ads delivered to the right audience, has resulted in more online orders and more customers—to the tune of up to 27% net sales increases.

According to Matt Friedman, Co-Founder and CEO of Wing Zone, “Getting new customers in the door, being able to track where they came from, how much they spent, and how they ordered...It’s a game changer.”

Matt, we’re so happy with these changes, and we’re excited to continue this type of growth well into the future!


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We partner with you to create a digital marketing strategy that works for your business, not anyone else’s. Your customers find and choose you, again and again. And you get more of what you want out of your business. Every day.