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Scorpion Scorpion

Jupiter Medical Center

Driving a Not-for-Profit Medical Center to New Heights

Jupiter Medical Center

Needing a Boost in Online Exposure

With more than 39 years of healthcare service to the South Florida community, Jupiter Medical Center was a fixture within the region. However, as a one-woman marketing department, Digital Marketing & Consumerism Manager Jennifer Crabtree found it challenging to bring the changes necessary to grow the hospital’s online presence with very limited resources. Wanting to reach new audience demographics and improve campaign efficiency, she decided to partner with Scorpion to redesign the look of Jupiter Medical Center, and its marketing strategy.
Jupiter Health center

Exposure & Impact

We knew it would take a powerful combination of the right messaging, an engaging and functional website, and strategic marketing efforts to maximize Jupiter Medical Center’s brand and impact. We took to heart the organization’s commitment to helping patients in their community, matching their commitment to making a real difference.
Patient with doctor at Jupiter center

Facing a Bright Future

Within 7 months of partnering with Scorpion, Jupiter Medical Center’s online outreach efforts had quadrupled their prospective patient lead acquisition—and the effects weren’t just limited to leads. Their desires to expand their online presence were realized with a dramatic spike in social media following and engagement.

While Jupiter Medical Center had once felt constrained in its ability to connect with potential patients, they have since been able to achieve a 140% increase in new followers as well as a 127% audience reach in less than a year. They’ve gained the support—and results—they’ve been seeking.

Jennifer, we truly enjoy working with you. We're all in when it comes to taking Jupiter Medical Center further!


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