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Fox Valley Orthopedics

Finding a Better Way to Reach Patients & Stand out as a Leader in Orthopedic Care

Fox Valley Orthopedics

An Established Practice Staying Visible in the Community

Fox Valley Orthopedics is a group practice and in-house surgery center that has been serving patients in Geneva and Elgin, Illinois for more than 45 years. At one point, the leadership at Fox Valley Orthopedics realized they needed a better way to keep the practice digitally visible to their potential patients.

Despite their long-standing presence in their community and their great reputation, Fox Valley Orthopedics still had to compete with other providers in the area, and it was important for local residents to know about their surgical center and orthopedic urgent care services. The practice also needed an easier way to track the results of their digital marketing efforts, as they had no idea how their online presence was contributing to their patient volume. That’s when they started looking for a new marketing partner.

Fox Valley doctor

Searching for a Partner with Right Resources & Plan

Lysette Pullman, Marketing Specialist at Fox Valley Orthopedics, said she and her team decided to work with Scorpion after carefully vetting a number of different options. Not only did our company have the breadth of services, expertise, and technology the practice needed to sharpen their competitive edge, but we also presented a clear roadmap for helping them achieve their goals. As soon as Fox Valley Orthopedics signed on with us, we helped them build a brand-new website and set up a full-funnel marketing strategy. From their website's search engine optimization strategy to their social media presence, this meant that each of their marketing tactics worked together seamlessly and their focus could easily be shifted to the most effective channels.
Fox Valley patient with doctor

Leaders in Local Orthopedic Care

Now that Fox Valley Orthopedics has a more robust digital strategy, they’re able to position themselves as true leaders in orthopedic care within their local community. Lysette says they have been especially successful at leveraging their blog content and social media presence to keep the patient community informed and raise awareness of the practice’s services. According to Lyssette:

“We definitely have a huge bump of people seeing and engaging with our posts on social media. One post we shared on warm-up exercises has reached 5,436 people and has 229 likes on Facebook. We’ve never had anything that high before we started working with Scorpion.”

Lysette, we’re so excited about the momentum Fox Valley Orthopedics has been building, and we can’t wait to see what lies ahead for your practice. Thank you for choosing us as your partner!

“I look at you guys as an arm to our marketing… I’m a one-person marketing team, and there are a million directions I have to go in on any given day, so it’s huge to know that our website (which I consider to be the center of our marketing) is taken care of. I can just use it as a tool, and I don’t have to worry about it.”

Lysette Pullman

Marketing Specialist, Fox Valley Orthopedics

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We partner with you to create a digital marketing strategy that works for your business, not anyone else’s. Your customers find and choose you, again and again. And you get more of what you want out of your business. Every day.