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Beginner's Guide to Better Marketing ROI

woman looking at analytics
Andrew Adams

Marketing budgets are never unlimited. You always have limited resources, whether in terms of time, money or even the day-to-day tools needed to get your job done. That is a challenge, but it also presents an opportunity to make the most of the resources you do have. One way to do this is by tracking and reporting your results better.

Return-on-investment (ROI) is about understanding how much you get in return for the money and time spent on marketing activities. To accurately measure marketing ROI, you need to be able to track key metrics such as website visits, conversions, and customer retention. This demands a methodical approach that can be daunting for casual marketers.

But happily, tools are available to make ROI tracking and reporting easier. Let's look at what's available and how to use them to maximize your marketing ROI.

What Marketing Efforts Should I track?

An effective marketing strategy will include a variety of different tactics to reach potential customers. Understanding the marketing ROI of each tactic, along with the overall ROI of your marketing strategies, can help you make adjustments and improve your ROI.

To get started, you should look at your overall marketing efforts and create a list of all the marketing tactics that you’re currently using. From this list, you’ll be able to create a marketing ROI for each of those tactics.

Here are some of the things to track for an overall assessment of your marketing efforts:

To really track your marketing spend and the effectiveness of your efforts, you need to understand how much money is allocated to marketing and your overall marketing spend. When compared to overall leads and customers, you can better understand the marketing ROI and the cost of customer acquisition for your business.

Marketing Reporting: What It Is and Why It Matters

Numbers are everything in the world of marketing. Without them, you won't know how successful your campaigns are or how to improve them. That's why it's essential to set up systems now that allow you to track and measure your marketing performance. Gathering and analyzing data to understand how your campaigns are performing is called marketing reporting, and it's one of the most important parts of any marketing strategy.

Let's first identify some of the key measurements or metrics you need to record in your marketing. Ask yourself how many people are:

  • Opening your emails?
  • Clicking on your ads?
  • Visiting your website?
  • Engaging with you on social media?

If you had to design a strategy around these numbers, where would you get them from? Every action you take online as a business has to generate some form of data. That’s where marketing reporting comes in: It’s the process of collecting, analyzing, and interpreting this data to gain insights into your campaigns and make informed decisions about your future strategies.

But why is it so important? Understanding which channels are performing well and which ones need improvement can help you optimize your campaigns and enhance their performance. This kind of data helps you understand customer behavior, telling you which messages work best with them and how to reach them more effectively. It also gives you an overall view of how well your company’s marketing efforts are doing so that you can make on-the-fly adjustments as needed.

Website Visits

Website visits are an essential source of data for any business. Monitoring and analyzing the visits that customers make to your website allows you to gain valuable insights into their behavior, preferences, and overall engagement with your brand.

Gathering data from website visits gives businesses invaluable insight into their marketing channels, resonating content, and customer experience. Companies can then pinpoint weak spots in their online presence and interactions, so they can make necessary changes to boost customer engagement.


A conversion measures the exact moment when a customer takes a desired action. This could be anything from purchasing to downloading content or signing up for a newsletter. Conversion is an important metric because it reflects how well your campaigns drive traffic and influence customers.

To track conversions, businesses can use marketing reporting tools to monitor the number of times visitors take certain actions on their websites. Google Analytics, for instance, tells you exactly when and where conversions take place, giving you valuable feedback on what might motivate (or discourage) future customers.

Email Open Rate

Imagine a world where you just send an email out into the wild without any idea if someone reads it or not. You can avoid that nightmare scenario with email open rates. This measures the percentage of people who open your emails, giving you an idea of how far your message reaches and how many people engage with it. Email open rate gives you insight into the effectiveness of your email marketing efforts.

You can track email open rates using commonly available tools like Scorpion, which monitors the number of people who open your emails, click links inside them, and unsubscribe from your list. That sort of data gives you a better insight into how your email marketing ROI and what kind of language and visuals you should use to get people to open them.

Email marketing is one effective way to distribute the content created as part of your content marketing efforts. Email marketing ROI can effectively improve the ROI of your content marketing efforts, too, from quality distribution via email.

How Integrations Can Improve Your Marketing

Marketing integrations can make the process of measuring ROI easier as well as more efficient. They allow your marketing data to flow freely between different systems, allowing you to keep track of everything in one place and making reporting a breeze. They're a way to automate manual tasks, like setting up reports or running campaigns. Integrations can also help you tie different channels together for a more unified customer experience across every platform your business uses.

You can assemble all your social media channels into one cohesive platform, making tracking customer engagement and analyzing data easier. This not only makes your life easier, but it also helps you craft more effective campaigns as well. Other integrations can track website visits and conversions to see which messages resonate best with customers.

Some of the other common integrations could include —

  • Content Management Systems (CMS): There are plenty of CMS systems that can track everything from website visits to customer behavior. These will assist you in creating more interactive experiences for your customers and more engaging content overall.
  • Customer Relationship Management (CRM): Integrated CRM systems like Salesforce can help you analyze customer data to target specific audience segments.
  • Accounting Software: Accounting software like QuickBooks can help you track your ROI and understand how much money you make from each campaign.

Syncing integrations and optimizing ROI go hand-in-hand when conducting a successful marketing campaign. With the right integrations, you can gain an all-encompassing perspective of your marketing outcomes. Investing in these integrations today can also save you time and money later on down the line.

Using AI to Power Your Marketing Efforts

There's a lot of hype surrounding AI these days, but is it worth all the attention? The answer is yes, but maybe not for the reasons you think. AI can't do your work for you, but it can streamline processes and give you the tools to make informed decisions quickly.

You can use AI to:

  • Improve customer segmentation.
  • Identify high-value customers.
  • Provide more personalized experiences for them.
  • Conduct predictive analytics to anticipate customer needs.
  • Forecast future outcomes of your campaigns.
  • Automate specific repetitive tasks.

AI can help you better understand customer behavior and glean insights from your data that you may have otherwise missed. It offers an efficient way to measure marketing ROI, helping you track each campaign across different channels and see which ones perform best.

Scorpion's Ranking AI gives small businesses a competitive advantage. Ranking AI analyzes your current digital marketing spend and compares that with top competitors in your industry. From there, AI can recommend changes that should be made to make your marketing efforts more effective.

Data Is Everything

For example, AI can collect data from customers to provide an in-depth analysis of their habits and preferences. It helps marketers better understand what drives people's behavior when buying something or using a service.

Savvy marketers can use it to evaluate the success of their campaigns and look for areas for improvement to maximize ROI as much as possible. This may include:

  • Sifting through different customer demographics.
  • Identifying trends in customer spending habits.
  • Understanding how messaging affects consumer choices.

Monitoring those customer actions over time lets you anticipate what your customers will do (or want) next. You can use AI-driven insights to create content, launch campaigns, or adjust strategies quickly based on the data. Now, this may seem like a lot of data for a small business owner to understand. However, finding the right technology to help you analyze your marketing ROI can help ease the burden and get you more out of your marketing budget.

Building Out Better Campaigns

AI takes a lot of the guesswork out of marketing strategy. It makes it easy to assemble vast sums of customer data and glean insights from it. The more data points collected, the better the results of AI-driven marketing efforts will be.

You can plan a campaign based on what you believe will work, but AI can offer an extra level of accuracy. Predictions based on actual, complex data will inform every level of the campaign, from the target audience and messaging to the channels used for delivery.

And you can also use AI to gain insight from real-time customer interactions. It can analyze conversations with customers and detect the kinds of feelings expressed, making it easier for you to adjust your messaging to best suit the needs of each person. Furthermore, AI can use the data from customer interactions to create more effective campaigns, personalizing each touchpoint so that those customers feel appreciated and well cared for.

Getting Started

Understanding how to maximize your marketing ROI can be a daunting task. But by following the tips outlined in this guide, you should be well on your way to improving your email open rate and generating greater returns from each campaign. With some experimentation and continuous optimization of your campaigns, you'll soon be able to identify which strategies are most effective for your business.

And if you need further assistance, you can always consider turning to a company like Scorpion. We have a lot of experience in improving marketing ROI for companies in various industries, giving them the tools and expertise to optimize their marketing campaigns and get the most from their marketing budget. Get in touch with us today to learn more about our services.

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