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Yekrangi & Associates

Building a Solo Practice into a Million-Dollar Firm

Yekrangi & Associates

Going It Alone

When Ashkan Yekrangi decided to start his own immigration law practice, he knew he needed to do whatever it took to succeed on his shoestring budget. He answered his own calls, scheduled his own consultations, and met with clients at the local Starbucks with his degree in a briefcase.

Then, Ashkan knew it was time to take the leap with digital marketing, where his new practice could reap the benefits of a partner who could: spread the word about his services in his community, help him steadily acquire new clients and cases, and build revenue. “I was overwhelmed at first,” said Ashkan. “I didn’t have a lot of money, so investing in digital marketing was a big risk—but I knew it’s what I had to do if I wanted to become a leading immigration attorney in my region.”

So, Ashkan turned to Scorpion—and he reached his goals.

Ashkan Yekrangi

Increasing Visibility. Winning Trust.

Ashkan faced many challenges as a younger attorney with a new practice. He needed to win the trust of the people in his area who needed his services, and he needed to get his name out there where people could see it—on the Internet. We provided Yekrangi & Associates with the technology, team, and expertise needed to accomplish these goals, and he couldn’t be happier: “I’ve gone from generating $100,000 a year in revenue to $1 million a year as a result of my digital marketing.”
Ashkan Yekrangi & Associates

Scorpion Executions and Results

  • Proving a Young Attorney's Credibility

    When a website is visually appealing and includes the right messaging to resonate with potential clients, it has the power to build trust and credibility. That’s what Ashkan needed: a way to win potential clients over. Because most people turn to the Internet when looking for an attorney, we built a website that set Ashkan’s practice apart from the competition, reflecting his professionalism and assuring visitors of his record. “When people think of a good lawyer, they want to see gray hair,” said Ashkan. “Having a high-quality website with authoritative digital content allows me to prove to my prospects that I’m qualified for the job, even though I’m a younger attorney.”
  • Building a Local Brand

    Next, we used diversified digital marketing, combining pay-per-click (PPC) advertising, social media advertising, and compelling blog content to build Yekrangi & Associates as a local, trusted brand. This generated more traffic for Ashkan’s website and ultimately brought more clients through the door, while keeping him top of mind when people in the community think of an immigration attorney. According to Ashkan, “No matter where I go, I run into someone who recognizes me from my online marketing—whether that’s someone at the grocery store or my Uber driver. I take that as a sign that my local branding is working—and it’s clear to see from the volume of calls and cases I get each month.”
  • Creating Growth-Focused Strategies

    It takes more than just an increase in traffic and leads for a firm to experience true growth. In partnering with Yekrangi & Associates, we took this to heart and continue to do so every single day. Ashkan has his own support team here at Scorpion, monitoring and managing his campaigns and every aspect of his online presence. If he or his staff ever need anything, we’re here to help. Our mission is to lay a strong foundation for future growth, for the level of continued success that blows previous goals out of the water and makes the creation of new goals a constant necessity.

    Unlimited Potential with a Respected Partner

    Ashkan has come a long way from Starbucks. His firm now has 8 people, operates out of an executive office suite, and brings in $1 million dollars in annual revenue. More importantly, Ashkan has been named to the 2018 Southern California Rising Stars list as one of the leading attorneys under 40 years of age in his region.

    And it all started with Ashkan’s dream of starting his own practice and partnering with a company he could trust.

    Ashkan, we’re proud to call you a partner and friend. We’re excited to keep building a brighter future for your firm!

    “I wouldn’t be where I am today without Scorpion’s help. Their customer service is exceptional. My marketing team stays on top of the latest digital marketing trends. And I always get an immediate response. This is what keeps me on board with Scorpion..."

    Ashkan Yekrangi

    Founding Attorney, Yekrangi & Associates

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