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Scorpion Scorpion

Law Office of Paul C. Galanides, P.C.

Attracting High-Value Cases with the Right Online Presence

Law Office of Paul C. Galanides, P.C.

Burned by Previous Vendors

Paul C. Galanides had a relatively new criminal defense firm. He knew online marketing was essential to his success, but he saw little in the way of real results. He invested about $1,200 to $1,500 per month only to see about $6,000 in new cases. When he approached Lisa Kelley to be his firm’s Client Relations Manager, she agreed—if he would hire her favorite marketing company.

According to Lisa, “Paul had tried other marketing companies, but he’d always gotten burned.” In her nearly a decade of experience working with attorneys, Lisa knew the Law Office of Paul C. Galanides needed a strong and unique online presence to thrive as a newer practice, and she knew that Scorpion could provide just that. So, she convinced Paul to take a chance with a new partner.

Paul C. Galanides

A Marketable Image

When Paul and Lisa came to Scorpion, we recognized that the firm’s online presence needed a complete overhaul. We built a modern, conversion-focused website and marketed this the smart way: using search engine optimization (SEO) and paid advertising to make sure the firm’s new image could be seen by the right type of clients. Paul saw fast results, retaining $53,500 in cases within the first 2 months on a $2,500/month marketing budget.
Paul C. Galanides

Better Cases &
Real Growth

Since partnering with Scorpion, the Law Office of Paul C. Galanides has benefited from higher-value cases that not only boost revenue but contribute to Paul’s reputation as an elite criminal trial lawyer. In the first month of marketing with Scorpion, the firm retained a $20,000 case. They saw over 9 times their $5,000 marketing budget within the first 2 months. This growth has only continued, and Paul and Lisa are both benefiting from the support of their own team at Scorpion to address their ongoing needs as we evolve with the firm.

Paul and Lisa, here’s to an even brighter future!

“My experience with legal marketing was a NIGHTMARE before Scorpion...I couldn’t be happier with your team.”

Lisa Kelley

Client Relations Manager, Law Office of Paul C. Galanides, P.C.

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