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How Content Marketing Can Help Get You More Customers

Content marketing is a great way to get more customers to your business. Learn the tips and tricks to help you succeed.
Caitlyn Blair

The many benefits of content marketing

As long as businesses have existed, getting more customers in the door has been the name of the game. What has changed is the way businesses go about this process. Today, content marketing is more essential than it ever has been.

Content marketing also costs less than traditional advertising and has a better ROI. Companies with blogs tend to generate 67% more revenue than companies without blogs, and that is just one form of content marketing. It is fair to say that content is both the present and future of marketing. Content marketing can help you get more customers for the following reasons:

  • Content marketing will give experiences to your audience that will increase their brand loyalty.

Your content marketing strategy plays a major role in your brand identity. Valuable content creates trust and a better reputation for your brand, which ultimately instills loyalty. For the best chances of using content marketing to turn interested audiences into long-term customers, you will want to create helpful and informative content and use social media to boost it.

  • Content marketing can improve your conversion rate and lead generation.

One of the most tangible benefits of content marketing is improving conversion rates and attracting leads. Studies have shown that content marketing generates three times as many leads as traditional marketing. Content that succeeds in doing this will place your audience’s needs above the promotion of your own brand. When you do promote through your content, it should come as a natural progression of the valuable information you have offered them. You will also need to be sure that your content is visually appealing and is geared towards the right audiences on the right platforms.

  • SEO content marketing will make your business more visible on search engines.

Higher ranking and visibility on search engines is one of the primary motivators behind content marketing in the first place. When you create content with the purpose of search engine optimization, or SEO, you will bring more traffic to your website. You can optimize your content by including keywords, creating targeted landing pages, improve user experience and loading times, and more.

To learn more about how to optimize your content to rank higher and land more customers, check out our beginner’s guide to SEO.

What are the four As and how do they help your business get customers?

There are so many ways to go about content marketing, and they can be uniquely tailored to the needs of your business. Some of the most effective types of content marketing include:

  • Social media content
  • User-generated content
  • Blog posts
  • Video content
  • Infographics
  • Case studies
  • Checklists
  • Testimonials and reviews

The four As of content creation are the way you orient your goals when creating content, and they include:

  • Attraction

Attraction-centric marketing is likely the first form that comes to mind when you think of marketing content. The purpose of this form of content marketing is to help you reach a new audience and get your message in front of them. When making content through this lens, it is important to remember that content does not succeed if nobody is around to see it. Blogs written as attraction content are supposed to be read and shared. The same goes for other types of content created through this lens.

  • Authority

Authority content is supposed to attract your audience, but it also aims to take this initial interest a step further. If you’ve ever thought of a brand as a leader in an industry, almost in an aspirational way, you might have been impacted by authority-centric content. The goal of authority-based content is to portray your business as the expert on a specific topic. When creating this kind of content, be sure to always work with your brand’s vision in mind. LinkedIn is a great platform for posting authority-centric content, and you might find colleagues in your industry that want to engage in meaningful discussions.

  • Affinity

Both the attraction and affinity stages involve engaging your customers. With affinity content, the goal is to not only catch your customers’ eyes, but win them over. In order for affinity content to succeed, you will need to connect with the emotions of your potential customers. Knowing who your ideal audience is at this stage is more important than ever. You will need to put yourself in their shoes to stay at the top of their minds.

  • Action

As you might have guessed by the name, “action” content is created with the purpose of turning potential customers into current customers. In other words, it should inspire them to take action. When creating content with this goal, you will want to make content that is convincing without being salesy. One great way to do this is to discuss a problem that your potential customers might have and point to your business as a solution.

Scorpion offers a full suite of content marketing solutions to help you get more customers and run your best business. Learn more about how we can help your business today.

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