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Sharpest Tool Podcast Recap: Measuring the Success of Social Media Marketing

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Social Media
Casey Shull

In this episode of The Sharpest Tool, available here, host Josh Smith, VP of Customer Success, and Nick Bosco, Senior Director of Account Management, wrap up their four-episode social media marketing series with the toughest question yet:

How do you measure the success of social media marketing? 

Set goals

Bosco explains that setting goals is critical to success. “As any business owner knows, you’re going to have to set some benchmarks to know what you’re working towards.”

However, Smith and Bosco admit that setting those goals isn’t the hard part. The hard part is finding the right metrics to measure your results.

Smith outlines a common example: “If you have the goal of building up a follower base on Facebook… it's going to be less about the clicks. Less about the likes. Less about the comments.” In other words, the only metric that moves the needle on this specific goal is total followers. Seeing numbers increase in other metrics might be exciting, but it’s not measuring success as you’ve defined it.

Utilize your audience reach

To wrap up their social media series, Smith and Bosco highlight social media’s greatest strength — its ability to be in front of everyone constantly.

Research says the average client needs to see a business, one way or another, 20 times before deciding to commit. Putting content out on social media is a free, always-on method for making this happen. It’s a new tool in any home service provider’s toolbelt, and for an audience tied so closely to the platform, you simply can’t get the job done without it.

Keep a look out for next week’s Sharpest Tool episode where Josh Smith launches into the power of power of paid advertising.